Veterinary Technology

Associate Degree Program

兽医技术课程适用于对执行诊断和护理程序以帮助兽医患者感兴趣的学生.  兽医技术副学士学位课程将为您提供在兽医护理领域广泛的职业选择所必需的技能. In this program, 您将专注于临床辅助和诊断程序,以及兽医技术人员所需的人道动物护理和护理技能的发展. As a student, 在整个项目中,你将有机会与各种不同种类的动物一起工作. 这个具有挑战性和回报丰厚的职业领域为毕业生提供了坚实的教育,使他们能够获得兽医技术人员的各种职位.

成功完成本课程后, 你将有资格参加全国兽医技术员考试(VTNE)。.

学术准备好的学生可以按照联合健康招生过程的指导方针申请该计划. 有兴趣的申请人应查看这里提供的信息,并联系他们的项目顾问申请要求.


What You Will Learn

Program Graduate Competencies


  1. 应用理论信息,导致适当的行动,在应用交付兽医护理程序.
  2. 能够胜任小型和大型动物医学中使用的全套兽医护理程序.
  3. 实践符合兽医技术道德规范和雇主期望/要求的行为.

Core Curriculum Competencies

下面列出的核心课程能力确定了你作为一名毕业生将能够做什么, regardless of your program of study. 您将通过通识教育课程和特定课程获得这些核心能力. 你将被期望使用相关技术来实现这些结果:

  1. 运用清晰有效的沟通技巧.
  2. 运用批判性思维来解决问题.
  3. Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
  4. 表现出专业和道德的行为.
  5. 运用信息素养进行有效的职业和/或学术研究.
  6. 运用定量推理和/或科学探究来解决实际问题.

Suggested Pathway to Graduation

Semester 1

Number Course Title Credits
SSC 100First Year Seminar1
BIO 140General Biology4
BIO 150Biology I4
MAT 162Statistical Reasoning4
CHM 110General Chemistry4
BIO 100Medical Terminology3

Semester 2

Number Course Title Credits
VET 101Introduction to Veterinary Technology2
VET 102Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology I3
ENG 101Composition I3
BIO 125Introductory Microbiology4
BIO 250Principles of Microbiology4

Semester 3

Number Course Title Credits
VET 110Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology II3
VET 130Veterinary Clinical Pathology I3
VET 205Small Animal Health and Disease2
ENG 102Composition II3

Semester 4

Number Course Title Credits
VET 140兽医技术人员药理学3

Semester 5

Number Course Title Credits
VET 221Veterinary Nursing I3
VET 220Laboratory & Exotic Animal Care & Management3
VET 223Food Animal and Equine Health & Disease2
VET 210Veterinary Clinical Pathology II3
ElectiveSocial Science Elective3

Semester 6

Number Course Title Credits
VET 235Diagnostic Imaging3
VET 222Veterinary Nursing II3
VET 240Food Animal and Equine Nursing3
ElectiveSocial Science Elective3

Semester 7

Number Course Title Credits
VET 250Vet Tech Internship5
VET 245紧急和危重护理原则1

Approved Electives


Number Course Title Credits
COM 111Human Communications3
ECO 111Macroeconomics3
ECO 122Microeconomics3
EDC 125Child Development3
GEO 205Geology and the Environment3
GIS 101Introduction to GIS3
HIS 111U. S. History: Pre-Civil War3
HIS 112United States History Post-Civil War3
HIS 200World History I3
HIS 210World History II3
POL 111Political Science3
PSY 100Human Relations3
PSY 121General Psychology3
PSY 126Child and Adolescent Development3
PSY 127Human Development3
PSY 223Abnormal Psychology3
PSY 224Human Sexuality3
SOC 103Sustainability and Society3
SOC 111Sociology3
SOC 213Ethical Issues in Healthcare3

要完成课程要求,你必须通过上述课程,并至少获得 74 credits. 毕业所需的课程数量和学分可能更多地取决于你的大学准备和你的专业所提供的选修课程(如果选修课程是课程的一部分)。.


Contact Georgetown

Lisa Garrison
Interim Department Chairperson
(302) 259-6701



Contact Stanton

Lisa Garrison
Interim Department Chairperson
(302) 259-6701

