Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Associate Degree Program

诊断医学超声是当今最安全的医学成像专业之一. Sonography, or ultrasound, 是否使用非侵入性诊断医学成像程序来可视化身体的器官或系统. As a diagnostic medical sonographer, 你将使用特殊的设备来引导高频声波进入病人的解剖区域. 声波从被击中的建筑物表面反弹,在显示器上形成图像. 您将使用这些图像来帮助合格的医生做出医学诊断.

乔治城校区提供诊断医学超声检查的一般学习集中. 威尔明顿校区提供两个学习重点:一般 & cardiovascular.

一般的学习集中在腹部区域, obstetrics/gynecology, superficial structures, and vascular. 心血管学习集中于有助于诊断与心脏和血管疾病相关的异常的程序.

学术准备好的学生可以按照联合健康招生过程的指导方针申请该计划. 有兴趣的申请人应查看这里提供的信息,并联系他们的项目顾问申请要求.


What You Can Do


  • Sonographer
  • Lead technologist/supervisor/manager
  • Educator/researcher
  • Equipment application specialist

工作环境可能包括医院, private imaging centers, physician offices, health care facilities, colleges or universities, and equipment manufacturers.

What You Will Learn

Program Graduate Competencies


  1. 熟练地执行与他们的学习集中有关的全方位诊断医学超声检查程序.
  2. Utilize professional verbal, nonverbal, 以及病人护理的书面沟通技巧, procedure intervention, and professional relationships.
  3. 以专业和道德的方式行事,并遵守专业的执业范围.
  4. 整合批判性思维和解决问题的能力,作为一个医疗保健专业人员的期望.

Core Curriculum Competencies

下面列出的核心课程能力确定了你作为一名毕业生将能够做什么, regardless of your program of study. 您将通过通识教育课程和特定课程获得这些核心能力. 你将被期望使用相关技术来实现这些结果:

  1. 运用清晰有效的沟通技巧.
  2. Use critical thinking to solve problems.
  3. Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
  4. 表现出专业和道德的行为.
  5. 运用信息素养进行有效的职业和/或学术研究.
  6. 运用定量推理和/或科学探究来解决实际问题.

Suggested Pathway to Graduation

Courses for Application

Number Course Title Credits
SSC 100 First Year Seminar 1
BIO 120 Anatomy & Physiology I 5
MAT 162 Statistical Reasoning 4
ENG 101 Composition I 3
PHY 111 Conceptual Physics 4

Semester 1

Number Course Title Credits
BIO 100 Medical Terminology 3
DMS 107 Essentials in Patient Care/Sonography 3
ENG 102 Composition II 3

Semester 2

Number Course Title Credits
DMS 104 Intro to Clinical Internship 1
DMS 113 Gynecological Sonography 2
DMS 131 Abdominal/Small Parts Sonography I 2
BIO 121 Anatomy & Physiology II 5

Semester 3

Number Course Title Credits
DMS 110 Acoustical Physics 3
DMS 114 Obstetrical Sonography 2
DMS 231 Abdominal/Small Parts Sonography II 2
DMS 240 Clinical Internship I 3

Semester 4

Number Course Title Credits
DMS 241 Clinical Internship II 6

Semester 5

Number Course Title Credits
PSY 121 General Psychology 3
DMS 235 Pediatric Sonography 1
DMS 214 Essentials in Vascular U/S 2
DMS 242 Clinical Internship III 5
BIO 130 Disease Process/Pathophysiology 3

Semester 6

Number Course Title Credits
SOC 213 Ethical Issues in Healthcare 3
DMS 250 Selected Topics in U/S 2
DMS 243 Clinical Internship IV 5

要完成课程要求,你必须通过上述课程,并至少获得 76 credits. 毕业所需的课程数量和学分可能更多地取决于你的大学准备和你的专业所提供的选修课程(如果选修课程是课程的一部分)。.


Courses for Application

Number Course Title Credits
SSC 100 First Year Seminar 1
BIO 120 Anatomy & Physiology I 5
MAT 162 Statistical Reasoning 4
ENG 101 Composition I 3
PHY 111 Conceptual Physics 4

Semester 1

Number Course Title Credits
DMS 107 Essentials in Patient Care/Sonography 3
BIO 100 Medical Terminology 3
ENG 102 Composition II 3

Semester 2

Number Course Title Credits
DMS 104 Intro to Clinical Internship 1
DMS 113 Gynecological Sonography 2
DMS 131 Abdominal/Small Parts Sonography I 2
BIO 121 Anatomy & Physiology II 5

Semester 3

Number Course Title Credits
DMS 110 Acoustical Physics 3
DMS 114 Obstetrical Sonography 2
DMS 231 Abdominal/Small Parts Sonography II 2
DMS 240 Clinical Internship I 3

Semester 4

Number Course Title Credits
DMS 241 Clinical Internship II 6
VAS 111 Vascular Techniques I 3

Semester 5

Number Course Title Credits
PSY 121 General Psychology 3
DMS 235 Pediatric Sonography 1
VAS 112 Vascular Techniques II 3
DMS 242 Clinical Internship III 5
BIO 130 Disease Process/Pathophysiology 3

Semester 6

Number Course Title Credits
SOC 213 Ethical Issues in Healthcare 3
DMS 250 Selected Topics in U/S 2
VAS 213 Vascular Techniques III 3
DMS 243 Clinical Internship IV 5

要完成课程要求,你必须通过上述课程,并至少获得 83 credits. 毕业所需的课程数量和学分可能更多地取决于你的大学准备和你的专业所提供的选修课程(如果选修课程是课程的一部分)。.


Pursuing a Bachelor's Degree?

This is a Connected Degree 这个课程可以让你完成副学士学位,然后作为大三学生转到四年制学位课程. See a program advisor for details!

Alumni | Alondra Lara-Zavala

Campus-Specific Program Information
Contact Georgetown

Kelly Disidoro
Department Chair
(302) 259-6683

诊断医学超声项目由联合健康教育项目认证委员会(CAAHEP)认证。, 9355 - 113th St. N, #7709塞米诺尔,FL 33775, (727) 210-2350, http://www.caahep.org, 根据医学超声诊断教育联合检讨委员会的建议, 6021 University Boulevard, Suite 500, Ellicott City, MD 21043, (443) 973-3251 phone, (443) 738-3444 fax, http://www.jrcdms.org.

Upon graduation, 学生有资格通过美国诊断医学超声检查注册中心(ARDMS)参加国家资格考试。 http://www.ardms.org



Contact Wilmington

Daniel Hernandez, RVT, RDCS, RDMS
Department Chair
(302) 320-4548

诊断医学超声项目由联合健康教育项目认证委员会(CAAHEP)认证。, 9355 - 113th St. N, #7709塞米诺尔,FL 33775, (727) 210-2350, http://www.caahep.org, 根据医学超声诊断教育联合检讨委员会的建议, 6021 University Boulevard, Suite 500, Ellicott City, MD 21043, (443) 973-3251 phone, (443) 738-3444 fax, http://www.jrcdms.org.

Upon graduation, 学生有资格通过美国诊断医学超声检查注册中心(ARDMS)参加国家资格考试。 http://www.ardms.org
